Compliance reports
Compliance management can be a tedious task. Tend to all major compliance needs using these Exchange Reporter Plus reports. Navigate to the Reports tab → Exchange Online → Other Services → Compliance Reports to get compliance reports for SOX, HIPAA, PCI DSS, the GLBA, and FISMA.

Preconfigured Security reports
The reports available under this sub-category are classified into five sections:
- Mailbox Quota Changes: Monitors mailbox storage quota changes performed by users or admins in the organization.
- Mailbox Size Changes: Monitors message size restriction changes performed by users or admins in the organization.
- Mailbox Created: Monitors all the mailboxes created by the users, delegates, or admins in your Office 365 tenant.
- Mailbox Deleted: Monitors which mailboxes are deleted.
- OWA Attachment Policies: Monitors the OWA attachment rules and policies.
- OWA Attachment Policy by Users: Lists the OWA attachment policies on a per user basis.
- Address Book Policies: Lists the address book policy in your Exchange environment.
- Address Book Policy by Users: Lists the address book policies set per user mailbox.
- Mail Traffic Policy Match Summary: Lists all the inbound and outbound policies set (DLP policies, transport rules), and how many conflicts have arisen over a given period of time.
- Non-Owner Mailbox Access: Monitors the Send As, Send on Behalf, or Full Access permissions assigned to the non-owners of a mailbox.
- Undelivered Emails: Shows the undelivered emails over a specified period of time.
- Messages by Subject: Shows all mailbox messages filtered by subject keywords.
- OWA Logon by Users: Lists all user logins into OWA.
- User To User Email Activity: Gives the count of emails sent and received between two users.
- Mailbox Auditing: Shows if mailbox auditing is enabled or not, and lists all the audit admin functions.
- Mailbox Created: Monitors the creation of mailboxes by all users in your Office 365 tenant.
- Mailbox Deleted: Monitors the deletion of mailboxes by all users in your Office 365 tenant.
- Messages by Subject: Shows all mailbox messages filtered by subject keywords.
- Mails Sent by Shared Mailbox: Lists all the emails sent from shared mailboxes.
- Mails Received by Shared Mailbox: Lists all the emails received by shared mailboxes.
- Mailbox Permission Changes: Monitors all the mailbox permission changes made by users in your Office 365 tenant.
- User Mailbox Security: Lists all the security settings for user mailboxes.
- Mailbox Created: Monitors the creation of mailboxes by all users in your Office 365 tenant.
- Mailbox Deleted: Monitors the deletion of mailboxes by all users in your Office 365 tenant.
- Exchange Admin Activity: Monitors mailbox logon activities performed by admins.
- Non-Owner Mailbox Access: Monitors admin and non-owner delegate mailbox log activities.
- Mailbox Permission Changes: Monitors changes to mailbox permissions.
- User Mailbox Security: Lists all the security settings for user mailboxes.
- Mailbox Delegate Changes: Lists the changes made to mailbox delegation in your Office 365 tenant.
- Malware Detections: Lists all the malware detected in your Office 365 tenant.
- Spam Detections: Lists all the spam detected in your Office 365 tenant.
- OWA Logon by Users: Lists all user logins into OWA.
- Exchange Admin Activity: Lists the activities performed by Exchange admins.