Other Exchange reports
This category includes reports about shared mailboxes, public folders, distribution lists, room mailboxes, and calendars. Navigate to the Reports tab → Exchange Online → Exchange Online → Other Exchange Reports to get this information.

Preconfigured Other Exchange reports
The reports available under this category are classified into five major subcategories:
Shared Mailbox Reports
- Shared Mailboxes: Lists all shared mailboxes in your Exchange Online environment.
- Shared Mailbox Access: Gives a list of delegates who have been given access to a particular shared mailbox.
- Send As Shared Mailbox: Gives a list of users who have Send As permissions for a particular shared mailbox.
- Shared Mailbox Activities: Lists all the activities performed on shared mailboxes in your Exchange Online environment.
- Inactive Shared Mailboxes: Lists all shared mailboxes based on their period of inactivity.
- Top Used Shared Mailboxes: Categorizes the most used shared mailboxes based on the activities performed on them.
- Shared Mailbox Size: Displays the size of all shared mailboxes.
- Shared Mailbox Email Activity: Lists all the shared mailbox activities in your Office 365 tenant.
- Mails Sent: Lists all the emails sent from a shared mailbox.
- Mails Received: Lists all the emails received by a shared mailbox.
- Shared Mailbox Permissions: Lists all permission changes for shared mailboxes in your Office 365 tenants.
Public Folders Reports
- Public Folders: Lists all the public folders created in your Exchange Online environment.
- Mail Enabled Public Folders: Lists all the email-enabled public folders.
- Mail Enabled Public folder Items: Lists all the email-enabled public folder items.
- Mail Enabled Public folder Statistics: Gives a summary of all email-enabled public folder details.
- Public Folder Activity: Gives the list of activities performed on a public folder.
- Public Folder Permissions: Shows the changes made to the public folder permissions and the users and mailboxes involved.
Distribution List Reports
- Groups Accept Mail From: Shows the list of mailboxes from which the distribution list accepts email.
- Distribution List Message by Subject: Displays the messages sent to distribution lists filtered by subject.
- Distribution List Mail Summary: Shows the list of emails to the distribution lists in your Exchange environment.
- Inactive DL by Last Received Mail: Shows the list of inactive distribution lists based on the last received email.
- Inactive DL by Last Sent Mail: Shows the list of inactive distribution lists based on the last sent email.
- Inactive DL by Last Activity: Shows the list of inactive distribution lists based on the last activity.
- Last Mail Activity by Mail Enabled Groups: Lists the latest email sent and received by mentioned distribution lists.
Room Mailbox
- Room Mailboxes: Lists all the room mailboxes in your Exchange Online environment.
- Room Mailbox Events: Lists all the room mailbox events in your Exchange Online environment.
- Room Mailbox Booking Count: Lists all the bookings for room mailboxes in your Office 365 tenant.
- Room Mailbox Configuration: Shows the room mailbox configuration details.
- Equipment Mailboxes: Lists all the equipment mailboxes available in your Exchange Online tenant.
- Room Mailbox Usage: Shows the statistics of room mailbox usage.
- Calendar Log Events: Lists all the calendar log events.
- Recently Created Calendar Events: Shows all the recently created calendar events for the set period of time.
- Recently Modified Calendar Events: Shows all the recently modified calendar events for the set period of time.
- Recently Deleted Calendar Events: Shows all the recently deleted calendar events for the set period of time.
- Calendar Folder Permissions: Lists all the calendar folder permissions in your Exchange environment.
- Calendar Folder Permissions: Lists all the changes made to calendar folder permissions in your Office 365 tenants.